
08 January 2011



That’s how many seams I had to un-sew. I was blithely sewing along on the Double 4-Patch and stitched up a stack of 50 blocks. When I started to press them I realized that I had sewn ten correctly like in the first photo. But then I must have flipped the block when I put it under the needle because the other 40 were stitched like this one:


Not exactly the look I was going for *sigh*.
I am sewing up over 200 of these blocks, which is actually more than I need but I want enough blocks to be able to swap out if I want.


  1. I'm apparently not awake enough yet, because I had to look at it several times to see what was different (DuH). So irritating. Not that I've ever done anything like that....:)

  2. I know that heavy feeling when you realize that there is a lot of frogging to be done...((hugs))

  3. I just did a mystery on my blog with this block and even such a simple block is so easy to turnabout. Can hardly wait to see what you do wth this block, it is so versatile!

  4. Don't you hate that? I have a sister that doesn't sew and when I need to reverse-sew a lot of stuff, I invite her over for some sister time together. She's also good at ironing fabric.

  5. I have done that too many times to count. I love the quilt in your post before this one.

  6. Yep, I sewed blocks backwards plenty of times. Some of those blocks end up in my "orphan blocks" basket.

  7. Ripping seams is part of the process. I am an expert!

  8. There is nothing wrong with either block, one is just different than the other. I think I would have saved the ones that were going the different way for swap blocks, and make more!

  9. Paula,
    I hate it when I do things like that but I guess that is what seam rippers are for- I am sure it is going to be a lovely quilt.
    Happy New Year to you and yours.
    Regards from snowy Western Canada,

  10. Groannnnn! Every time we think we're doing really good, something happens to snap us back into humility! 8-))

  11. Well, at least you got your ripper to work! I think it might have been feeling lonely :)

    200 blocks - wow! You might be able to put together another quilt :)

  12. *ugh* I hate when that happens. Hopefully the pickin' was easy work and you are back on track now *s*

  13. The sewing goes so quickly, the unsewing not so much! :(

  14. Anonymous8:46 PM

    LOL, I think I would have changed my plan and undone the ten. But I'm easy that way. And I don't know what else you're putting with it. Or I might have set aside those 40 for another project and done a new batch. I really HATE unstitching! Almost as much as I hate binding.

  15. So sorry! At first I thought you were announcing your age to the world!

    I love the colors!

  16. Don't cha hate it when your happily knitting or sewing along and then your bubble gets burst??
