
25 February 2011

Ugly Duckling


Just because it is hand painted yarn does not make it pretty. I tried a lot of different things to the swatches that I knitted trying to get something pleasing out of this yarn, but it was not going to happen. I did not want to discard this yarn because it is 100% alpaca and is just so, so soft. What to do?


Enter a beautiful color. By adding a beautiful color to the ugly color it spread out the ugly which ended up in a pleasing blend.


This happens in scrap quilts too. Use those "what was I thinking" and ugly fabrics in your quilt tops. This owl fabric is a good example. Taken individually, it stands up and shouts "look at me!".


But look what happens when you add it to a lot of other fabrics.


 Those unfortunate fabrics will work, I promise.


  1. Hmmm..wonder if this would work for me...surround myself with beauty and I will look better? LOL! I love the picture on the previous post of the frost. Nature is so incredible.

  2. Of course those blocks work! Hoo will even notice them once the quilt is done *s*

  3. Actually that knitted cap is probably even more lovely for the addition of the other yarn!

  4. Anonymous6:55 AM

    No yarn or fabric, whether ugly, used, or whatever, is ever going to stump you. You rock. I love the hat!

  5. amazing how bright can enliven a project!

  6. That is a beau-ti-ful save, Paula! It was just meant to be. Like the saying goes: "I don't make mistakes...just opportunities." ;)

  7. thanks for the advice! love the hat!

  8. Great yarn solution!

  9. that's a great tip for ugly yarn. I've got some and like you don't want to waste it. will give that a try. nice hat!

  10. I agree with Cheri and I love that owl fabric.

  11. I must be brave and try as I have so much "what was I thinking" fabric.

  12. Great save for the yarn. You're right - I think that in a crowd the ugly fabric adds interest and makes the quilt richer, but by itself it just looks ugly.

  13. Great lesson - maybe this is why some of our projects end up as UFOs - just have not found the right 'friends'. 8-))

  14. The hat turned out very beautiful. Genius you are, my friend!

  15. Hmmmm, fabric is OK when you cut is small enough, I have heard...but what to do with yarn, LOL!!

  16. I love the idea of combining yarns! I was given some "interesting" yarn this winter, but yes - I can see it mixed with a 2nd yarn! I love that Paton's Classic wool and am currently knitting a cable scarf with it - the pattern shows up really well! (I finished those socks I was having trouble on the toes with - yes, I ended up ripping it back and then since I did that I ripped to the heel and ribbed the foot while I was at it - much better!) And scrap quilts - I generally will use anything and everything as long as it "reads" the way I want it too - usually I think in terms of seasons - summer, winter, fall, winter and that owl fabric fits right in to my fall catagory. Cheers! Evelyn

  17. You have an excellent eye for color! Everything turned out lovely!
