
26 April 2011


I was going to post this tomorrow for wordless Wednesday but changed my mind. *shrug* It's from this past weekend. We went camping in the mountains for our 'shakedown' trip. If we go when it is cold then we can test to see if things are working, what needs to be fixed, etc. We figured out that we really, really need a new mattress in the trailer. Other than that, some hot chocolate would have been nice. Who forgets hot chocolate? Me, apparently. The elk are only part of a very large herd. We were by a lake and the wildlife was quite abundant.

On the quilting front, I am still working slowly on Hugs and Kisses. Hopefully, after this coming weekend, the top will be pieced and the border applique started. I will have a rush of renewed enthusiasm since a friend and I are going to the Denver National Quilt Festival on Saturday. There always seems to be that burst of quilt mojo after a show.

I do not have a lot of spare time to work on quilts as Auntie is doing poorly and I'm running back and forth to Denver a lot. At a minimum, at least once a week. Handwork has been my lifeline. Even the Priority Quilt I recently finished was done totally by hand. I'll post more on that later.


  1. Hot dog. I was thinking I'd missed the Denver quilt show. For some reason I had it in my head that it was last weekend. Have you ever been to the show in Loveland? I'm thinking of going this year.

    Good luck on finishing Hug and Kisses. I have two quilt tops I want to add borders to and then send out to get quilted but we'll see when that happens.

  2. I'm sad to hear of Auntie's frailness and hope things stabilize soon.

  3. Beautiful photo - lovely pastoral scene. My continued prayers go out to your Auntie and to you. I am sure you will enjoy the show.

  4. Sorry Auntie is not feeling well. It's still too cold for a camping trip in my area but we are plotting a shakedown trip to the coast where it's warmer. I'll be sure to pack the hot chocolate.

  5. You and Auntie are in my prayers!!!

  6. Thinking of you and your Auntie.

    Love the picture.

    I hope to work on a hugs&kisses top as well, can't wait to see yours coming together.

  7. Love the look of the pine needles with the deer behind. (You can tell it's Spring. They are molting.)

  8. Hello to the elk--great photo. Hope that your auntie feels better

  9. Great photo! Thanks for sharing it with us. I bet camping was a lot of fun. It can be so good to just get away for a weekend and enjoy the outdoors. I hope that your Aunt is feeling better soon.

  10. Yes - you should never forget hot chocolate! Hope you enjoy the show, take lots of pictures for those of us who are *sigh* not going. Enjoy!!


    Congratulations! I am awarding you with the Versatile Blogger Award.

  12. Oh beautiful! My son and I love to go camping. There is nothing quiet like it - and yes, hot chocolate is a wonderful treat when outdoors. Glad to see that you and DH got to take some time for yourselves during this very busy time with your Auntie. I am sure your visits are a comfort to her. Cheers! Evelyn

  13. Anonymous4:45 PM

    Love those Elk!! I'm glad you were able to grab a few hours away from the stress. Sorry this is a late post, but the storm hit the day after you posted..Thinking of you!-Bev
