
30 May 2011

Small finishes.

I've gotten little stuff finished. Yes, finishes!

No pictures of the two knitted items because they still need to be blocked. But I have the Autumn Coat done and the Feather & Fan Smoke Ring. The weather is fore-casted to get HOT so I wanted to get the wool items done so they aren't laying across my lap as I work on them.

Carol @ Brown Quilts is collecting patriotic pillowcases for her friend. Have you read the story yet? My pillowcases are done and will be in the mail this week. 

I also made a couple of the Snappy Bags from this tutorial. The first one I made wasn't deep enough to hold all my cosmetics so I made another that is just a bit deeper. It is a good idea, but I think I like the smaller bags like this that have a zipper closing. This snappy bag OTOH is great for those times that you do not have two hands to open the bag.


  1. No forecast for HOT here, so soak up that sunshine for me. Okay?

    Great finishes.

  2. I love your small finishes! Is the bag the kind with the metal measuring tape inside the band? I threw away one of DH's extra long construction ones that had broken and the entire time I was putting it into the garbage can (it was super red clay plus dirt filthy) I was thinking, I should try to wash this and save it and try making one of those little magic bag things.

  3. Hot and hotter here. It hit 95 deg. yesterday, today is forecast to be 95 so it will probably be closer to 100. This is really unheard of for northeast TN in the Spring. Oh well, I'll just stay in and sew. :D I haven't made my pillowcases yet, BUT I do have the fabric---and I actually appliqued on an ancient UFO on and off all weekend. :D I haven't tried the little bags yet. I would love to do one with a zipper BUT I have ZIPPERPHOBIA. :/

  4. Great finishes. We are having a heat wave here too. I finished one project and have started another one.

  5. HOT here too! Whew. Love, love, your finishes... no finish is too small to crow about. I want to make a snappy bag now too.

  6. finishes are finishes whether big or small!

  7. Anonymous10:06 PM

    I know this comment is on the wrong post, but I just found you from Kim -- your cow is amazing!! What an artist you are! I also found Nancy at Phila. -- it will take a few mornings to backtrack on you both. Two new-to-me blogs -- hooray! Florence

  8. Great finishes - love the fabric of the pillowcase.

  9. Small finishes are always a great sense of accomplishment for me. And it is usually those small things that you use time and time again! I think that you probably could get a cheap measuring tape at the Dollar Store instead of using an expensive tape from the hardware store! Still very cool in Canada - wearing long pants and fleece jackets yet. Cheers! Evelyn

  10. Yep - small finishes are GOOD!

    I'm keeping this post as NEW so when I get to MY small finish, I can make a few of these little bags! Sometimes just a picture is enough to spur one on. 8-))
