
13 June 2011

Knitting Mistake

I just returned from a 3.5 day camping trip up in the mountains. I had a wonderful time, thank you for asking. My handwork of choice for this trip was sock knitting. I was trying a new-to-me technique of an afterthought heel where you knit two row of stitches on the sole side of the sock using waste yarn and then keep knitting like it is a tube sock. I didn't think of how the stitches for the toe would need to be moved and just started to knit the toe. Well....
the sock looked like it was knit for a person whose toes were twisted 90 degrees from her heel. Not good. Not good at all. I put the knitting away and once home I had to fix it. First I used dental floss to weave through a row of stitches for the lifeline. Then I removed the stitches from the needles and ripped the sock back to the lifeline. (The lifeline stops the stitches from unraveling any further.) I then picked up the live stitches  moved them around the needles so the toe was where it should be and started to knit the toe again.

Just a bit of a bump in the road, but all fixed now.


  1. I wouldn't have thought to move to toe either.

  2. I bump in the road is better than a lump in the sock.

  3. You are a good figurer outter. :-D Pretty yarn. Good to hear the camping was good.

  4. You are my knitting hero - I would have just ripped the whole thing out. Who am I kidding, I would have never managed to get to the point that I had something to rip *s*

  5. Impressive tinking (knitting backwards) Glad you managed to work it out!
