
15 July 2011

Bye Bye Skunk


We are not sure which idea worked  because we did it in this order:

1. Filled in one of two of the entrances to the den.
2. Lightly scattered moth balls* around the filled in entrance and side of the garden shed
3. Lightly scattered moth balls* around two other sides of the garden shed leaving only the open den entrance free.
4. Lots of movement, noise and lights around the shed.

Yesterday at dusk, I scattered flour around the den entrance to see if a critter came or went. This morning there were NO tracks at all. Yipee! And most importantly, no smell. So today, we will fill in the entrance, scatter some more moth balls* and put down some chicken wire.

And then I get to do damage control in the garden (what garden?) thanks to 8 days of daily torrential downpours that included hail.

* Remember a little bit of moth balls goes a long, long way.


  1. Congrats on the successful eviction!

  2. Yea! I'm so glad everything worked... mothballs, noise... bye bye skunk family!

  3. Bye, bye and good riddance! You're wise to post the mothball cautionary advice... when we were first married I thought if I packed our winter woolens away with a LOT of mothballs that it would work better. More is NOT ALWAYS BETTER!! I don't think we ever wore those winter clothes again, we couldn't.

  4. I understand that moth balls help erradicate snakes also! Good job!

  5. Whew! Good for you. Keep plenty mothballs near!

  6. Glad the little buggers are gone! PITA might come after you, however, for using moth balls; it could be considered moth abuse. Sorry, it's been a long week : )

  7. I am glad you had a successful mothball experience...we used to have cornfields, and the skunks would eat corn until they were stuffed!!

  8. Anonymous8:26 PM

    The good thing is the skunk is history.

  9. I am glad you were successful in getting rid of your skunk problem.

  10. Well done on getting rid of them. Moth balls are brilliant things. I use them in the hoover bag to get rid of fleas.

  11. All I have to say is used cat litter, this will repel moles, skunks, deer, people LOL

  12. Anonymous6:13 PM

    We got skunks under our house. They came in by the a/c unit and it was mating time. Could get no one to remove them. Finally found a wildlife agent who trapped both nd removed them to a nearby lake/park area. $100 to get that done. I'm so glad they didn't have time to have babies. I was feeding stray cats outside that my husband would not let me adopt is how we attractd the skunks. more feeding stray animals.
