
21 July 2011


Front Cover

Pauline Hermetet
December 1915 - July 2011

Inside Front Cover

The quote on the little brown, removable book: I have flown because you gave me wings.

Inside the little brown booklet is a letter: Dear Aunt Pauline, I wanted you to know of my admiration of you. As a child, you encouraged me to read, just as you, yourself, read as a child. As a young woman, you taught me through example how grace and creativity blend to a whole. Unfortunately for me, the elegance part hasn't stuck. This small book lightly traces your life from childhood, through high school and college, and the war years at Boeing. I have tried to portray your love of music and fiber in a fashion that you would appreciate -- that of one needlewoman to another. Than you for being a profound influence in my life. Your loving niece, Paula


Pauline was the oldest daughter of three and grew up in Colorado among a loving family.  She was a third generation pioneer descendent.

War Years

She loved music and had a beautiful soprano singing voice and accompanied herself on the piano. One day in her later years, she stopped singing and never sang another note. Even she didn't know why. 

War Years

As part of the Greatest Generation, Pauline worked at Boeing as a drafts person during World War II. After the war, she returned to Colorado where she grew up as a child.


Her love of books encouraged creativity and dreaming. She taught school in a one room school house in Moffet, Colorado, and later went on to teach and be a school secretary in the Denver School District.

High School

She graduated High School during the Great Depression in the 1930s. In her spare time, she embroidered flower quilt blocks printed in the local paper. She said it was to keep her hands busy and to stay out of trouble.


She was an extraordinary needlewoman who designed her own patterns and she specialized in embroidery and needlepoint.


Elegance is an Attitude. This describes Pauline perfectly. She was soft spoken and never had a bad word to say about anyone. 

Back Cover

She loved tulips and so the book ends with a flower to echo the flower that has now faded away.

Notes on techniques in the book:
The white bow in the corner echoes the white bow in her hair.
The music 'box' is actual printed sheet music. The applique was inspired by a photo of Auntie taken in the 1940's.
The hole in the page lines up with the eye on the next page. Gears are CitraSolv transfer, the faint plane is stenciled and the rest is stamped.
Pockets support the fabric tags with their Dymo label printed words
Graduation picture transferred onto fabric. Word embossed onto velvet.

May D&F Tower transferred onto fabric, silk ribbon embroidery, sequin and bead embellished, embroidery on crazy quilt block.

Rubber stamping in fabric background, words printed directly onto fabric background and college photo transferred onto silk then fused onto background, 3D flower petals.
This tulip is thread painted. A small inkjet transfer of a recent photo is nestled into a postage stamp frame on the last page of the book.


  1. A lovely tribute, Paula. Despite having never met Pauline, I can recognize her as a treasure of two centuries.

  2. What a treasured keepsake and loving tribute to the aunt you so dearly loved. Thank you for sharing, I am inspired by Pauline and moved by your tender devotion.

  3. What a lovely tribute to an amazing woman.

  4. A truly beautiful tribute to your beloved aunt. My sincere condolences for your loss.

  5. Anonymous7:30 AM

    Paula, this is amazing. You are an artist, most surely.

  6. Such beautiful, tender, thoughtful sentiments, Paula. My heartfelt sympathy goes out to you and your family.

    Thank you for sharing this and your Auntie Pauline with us.

  7. What a touching story. Sincere sympathy to you and your family

  8. I was thinking about you and Auntie the other day. So sorry for your loss. I know she will be missed.

    Your book is beautiful and a wonderful tribute to a great lady's life.

  9. Wow - that is an amazing way to remember an amazing lady. I bet she was always full of great stories too. Hugs to you!

  10. What a beautiful tribute! She sounds like a wonderful lady.

  11. This is simply beautiful and very moving.

  12. Thank you for the opportunity to get to know your Auntie Pauline, a wonderful woman who will be no doubt be sorely missed and fondly remembered. Seems that you are much like Pauline, something to take pride in. She had a full and interesting life - well lived and now well celebrated in this completely breathtaking and loving tribute. I am sorry for your loss, Paula. I'm glad that you made the many many trips to help Pauline over the years and especially to keep her company these last months of her life.

  13. Oh Paula, what an incredibly touching way to express and honor your Aunt. This is so amazing. It's lovely to read how much she touched your life, how much she impacted your person, the woman you are. True Strength, *karendianne.

  14. What a great salute to your "Auntie"

  15. This is one of the lovliest posts I've read in a long time.

    You are the keeper of the wonderful legacy your namesake aunt passed on to you. She chose well.

  16. What a wonderful thing you have done...lovely, touching...I am so sorry about your auntie, Paula.

  17. What a lovely post about your dear Auntie. You were lucky to have HER, but she also, was lucky to have YOU. 8-)) She left you such wonderful memories as well.

  18. So sorry to hear of your dear Auntie passing. She sounds like she was a remarkly modern woman for her time. And since my Mom was also born in 1915, I realize how long and full her life was. So very many changes in the world in her lifetime. She gleaned the best the world had to offer and did it with grace and beauty. You are a very fortunate gal to have her hands guiding you. I'm know she will be greatly missed. Hugs, finn

  19. How I wish more of us could have an aunt with the grace and abilities of your's . . . hugs to you as you celebrate her life and thank you for sharing her with us.

  20. Paula,
    What a moving and beautiful tribute you have written of your beloved aunt Pauline. It is obvious how much loved and connected to her that you were.
    My sincere condolences to you and yours in her passing.
    May we all find ourselves so beloved at the end of our journey.
    With much sympathy,

  21. I'm so sorry, this is a beautiful way to honor her!

  22. Oh, Paula...this is so truly, truly beautiful. I cannot imagine a more lovely or fitting tribute. You were not only her namesake but a part of her heart and that part of her will truly live in you, forever and ever. My deepest and most heartfelt feelings for your loss of an amazing woman and such a huge part of your life.

  23. My sincere sympathy on your aunt's passing. Your tribute book is lovely and touching.

  24. Paula, sorry to hear of the loss of your aunt. What a beautiful memorial you've made! You can feel the love you have for her, as will as see it in your beautiful and thought filled project. Thank you. For? For:

    Doing something in your grieving process.

    Honoring a woman of grace and dignity.

    Showing others what they can do as they work through whatever issues they face.

    If your aunt would be able to tell you, I'm sure her face would have that wonderful, appreciative smile and glow, as she told you thank you and what a wonderful, beautiful piece of art you created.

    Paula, reading your blog affirmed the project I was forming to do for my own mil, who has an inoperable brain tumor. We're on our way home to New Hampshire from Michigan, where we just spent the week helping her and doing things she could not. I have huge tears and a lump in my throat... Too many tears.

    Thank you, Paula. You've honored your Aunt very well. She would be proud!

    Sandy C. from NH

  25. what a wonderful woman and what a lovely tribute you made. I feel like I met her now, I think you really captured her and I think you have a lot in common with her. hugs

  26. Oh, wow, Paula. I have goosebumps! What a lovely tribute to a remarkable influence in your life. How fortunate you are to have such loving memories to carry you through! To ever think that even one person would feel that way about me would make my whole life worthwhile!
