
30 July 2011

Organizing a yard sale

Let's face it, I am not a yard sale person. I have been know to occasionally go into a thrift store but not on a regular basis. I just don't want more STUFF. I'm overstuffed. And to that effect, I am holding a yard sale next month. O my, what a lot of work in 90 + degree heat this is. I have two staging areas: the garage for the larger items and the guest room for the clothes and breakables. Some things are too valuable for a yard sale so I will possibly put them up for bid on eBay. Has anyone done this? How were your results?

I'm telling you this so you know what is occupying my time at the moment. There is so much stuff now in my house that any creativity is squelched because of the chaos. I cannot work or create in chaos or clutter.

If you come to visit you will need to find some other place to lay your head since the guest room is occupied.


  1. I guess I'll just have to hold off on that visit until you make room for me, lol. I should be doing the very thing that you are working on right are a strong and brave woman! eBay - I've made purchases through eBay, so it must work for some - worth giving it a try. :-D

  2. I am not one for garage sales either - going to or holding! I would rather donate the stuff to a thrift store than to hold a garage sale. Occasionally, my husband's "unit" will hold a large garage sale, and I will donate to it - but to me, it isn't worth the amount of work that I would go through to possibly get a few bucks.

  3. Great idea to have a yard/garage sale to help with "stuff"... not only to you declutter your house but people PAY you to haul away the "stuff." Win-win situation in my book...

  4. I think a yard sale is a great idea - a way to not feel guilty about having bought and getting rid of the stuff - you know it is going to someone who will appreciate it, and get some money back in the meantime. I tend to price really low just to get rid of the stuff, and wind up spending more time getting ready, manning the sale, cleaning up afterward, than I get back in cash, so now I just donate it. I think the key is to donate the rest of the stuff instead of putting them back in the yard.

  5. I had a garage sale after I quit doing day care and ended up making things half price by the beginning of the second day. By half way through the second day I was giving stuff away just to get rid of it and the rest stayed on the front porch. I made a quick call to ARC and had it picked up for the donation. Didn't even let it back in the house. I have semi fond memories of my garage sale 100 years ago where I got rid of the baby stuff. I made a ton of money on that one and even sold my sons walker out from under him. (Not my best decision LOL) I HATE doing garage sales! Not sure it's worth it even when you make money. Good luck to you Paula.

  6. For the past 20+ years I've joined a group of my friends in hosting a yard sale. It used to be held in my garage and yard, but we outgrew that five years ago and began renting one of the buildings at the fair grounds. We now have a massive sale (10 families participate) and people look forward to coming to see what we have. My collections have diminished, but I still have too much stuff.

    If you truly want to get rid of your stuff, price it low and have an area set up to place things that are FREE. Sell clothing by the bag instead of by the piece. Purchase zip-bags in variety of sizes and place multiple things in the bags. This appeals to the bargain shopper, and it is a good way to get rid of odd items that no one may purchase.

  7. Through the years Goodwill has made out like a bandit from my donations because I just can't bring myself to hold a yard sale. I don't even shop yard sales. And I shouldn't bring one more item into this house! I quote my mother on that subject: "I don't need anything as a gift. If it's not edible, don't buy it." LOL

  8. Whenever I've had a yard sale, I buy colored stickers. The ones that come in a package of yellow, blue, red, etc. Then I make up a sign that reads, "red sticker 50 cents, blue sticker 75 cents" etc. It saves time in pricing each item. Remember anything donated to a Goodwill or Animal Shelter type of thrift store is a tax deduction. Just list the items donated and get a receipt. One other thing I've discovered is that some people really do want something for nothing. I tell them to go to Wal-Mart, maybe they'll find it cheaper there.

  9. I've only had one garage sale and what I remember most is ... I had a LOT of shoes to get rid of. Of course, no one wanted shoes, but several people were eyeing my garden ROCKS, all smooth and nice, and certainly I hadn't even considered that anyone would want them but... I rewrote my sign to say "Rocks, 50 cents, with a free pair of shoes."! Worked like a charm. End result, no shoes and no rocks either. LOL

  10. I love garage sales, but if I buy anything, I need to get rid of something--or I would have to move out of my condo.

  11. 1. I am a donater.
    2. e-bay is so hit or miss. It really depends on how you price it, describe it, photograph it, etc.
    (Have a reserve, start the bidding really low.)
    3. garage sales - is this a group sale (your neighborhood) or even just a couple neighbors or your friends converging at your house? Advertise it well - not just signs. Serious shoppers are out early - so be ready.
    4. In general, something is better than nothing. SO the "make me an offer/ no offer refused" might be a good tactic to employ. & a free box will get people looking...
    5. baked goods & beverages. If you can, have them available to sell as well. (I know a gal who had a baked garage sale, her fudge sold so well, she started to sell it regularly at farmer's markets & other "open" selling venues.)

  12. What you need to say is "If you'd like to come to visit, bring a tent and a sleeping bag. I would love your help with my garage sale!"

    Just think of it as tent city in the back yard and garage sale mecca in the front ;)

    You are keeping your mind and hands busy...and those both help!

  13. Best of luck! It's deciding on the price which is the hardest thing. Something which is of value to you may not be to someone else. Difficult to judge so be prepared for hagglers and be prepared to drop the price. Good job we don't live anywhere near you. DH would be round like a shot haggling like mad! I only haggle if I think the original price is far too high. I get most of my pearl cottons from sales and if they are charging €5, and it's €5 in the shops, I walk away.

  14. I'm the person hauling all your treasures home with me!!
