
08 July 2011


Several weeks ago, I checked out when some of my accounts expire. Specifically, my photo storage accounts. And while I was doing that I also checked on the capacity I had. Hmmm....

I have three different online photo storage accounts: one is free and I pay for two. One of the paid accounts is close to capacity while the other has unlimited. To get more storage on the first one I would, of course, have to pay more and that is not going to happen. In a penny pinching effort, I have decided to cancel the one account, but I need to move the (blog) photos from it into the other two accounts. So while I am doing that, I am going to do a bit of file management: all the knitted, quilting and Wordless Wednesday photos will go into the flickr account. The other photos will be in Picassa (blogger).

If you read archive posts like I do, please be patient. The photos are being shuffled around and will return eventually. It is a slow process because I have to do it post by post. In the meantime, all the photos in new posts will be where they should be.


  1. I can be patient..... I think..... LOL
    Have a great weekend!

  2. Oh my... all that sounds complicated...

  3. Patient I am. Work as long as you want and take as long as need be:)

  4. Oh if we only knew then what we know now and could have been "organized" from the start ... I feel your "pain" as you shift photos !

  5. I agree with Julie! You're a lot braver than I. I dread to go back into the archives to see what's missing.

  6. I went through that same exercise earlier this year...what a pain!
