
26 August 2011


Are you creative? Do you have creative blocks?  I have been going through a stultifying time that has been on-going for several months now. That is, until my niece loaned me a book.

What book, you ask?

"Bird by Bird: Some Instructions on Writing and Life" by Anne Lamott.

I am, in fact, still reading this book as the information in it needs to percolate in my brain. She is a very funny lady and this is really a good read. Yes, it is geared to writing, but it can also apply to any sort of creative endeavor, including quilts.

"Out of the Box: Unleash Your Creativity Through Quilts"
by Mary Lou Weidman.

Then I started reading a totally different book. What can I say about this book? Before I was even half way though, I was sketching ideas into my sketch book! I don't know what it was about this book, but it opened up the floodgates and I have two good ideas for story quilts. Yesss!

So if, like me, you have been blocked in your quilt making, turn to something else for awhile. You never know what will unleash the creativity.


  1. I'll look for Mary Lou's new book, I had an earlier one and it was pretty inspirational. Love her exuberance and hope to catch a little of her free-wheeling style. Thanks for the rec's.

  2. I am currently reading a book that has sent me back into the kitchen . . . this makes me SO happy *s*

  3. I have both books ... and agree with you that a creative block sometimes needs a jolt of inspiration to cap off the pondering - ruminating - resting - rejuvinating process.

  4. Bird by Bird is a very good book.

  5. Great blog topic. :) Good idea.

  6. Both of those books look interesting. Congrats on getting back your creativity.

  7. Both of these books do look interesting. some books do have a lot of power to change your thoughts and mood. I'm glad you found your muses.

  8. I'm so happy for you! I love Anne Lamott and have read all her books...and I just got Out of the Box...can't wait to read it!

  9. Sew many quilts, sew little time--

  10. I love Mary Lou Weidman! I get out my books, or my myriad of journals when I feel stumped and viola! things start to fly out of my head again!

  11. I think Anne Lamott is just fabulous! I have read a couple of her things and they really are thought provoking - just what you need to start those creative wheels turning. Good for you.

  12. What ever it takes, Paula! I have experienced similar "lulls" and know the joy you're currently experiencing. I'm looking forward to seeing one of those story quilts take shape. :)

  13. Great post on a topic that impacts creative people now and then. Thanks for sharing the two books with us!
