
12 August 2011

I Blame Everything On Murphy

Murphy's Laws
If anything can go wrong, it will.
Nothing is as easy as it looks.
Everything takes longer than you think.

I have been working on a quilt top and Murphy has been hanging over my shoulder the whole way.


  1. AND you have a cold AND you dropped you toast jellysidedown. Sheesh. Murphy be gone!!!

  2. Oh No...tell him to beat it...there is nothing worse than having things go wrong.


  3. Sometimes you just have to laugh because all else has failed! ;)

  4. I am well acquainted with Murphy - he's not one of my favorites. Hope quilting issues soon turn around in your favor - no doubt you will resolve things as you typically do.

  5. Aww! When I have quilting problems, I have to quit and try again another day. Sometimes it takes a few days, but Murphy does go away eventually to bother someone else.

  6. Some call that the "butter side down" theorem :-)

  7. ... and I suppose the floor was too dirty to salvage the toast, as well!

    LOL - as if a person would ever do THAT!

    Good luck with Murphy!!!

  8. Murphy has been one of my house guests over the years. Of course, he arrives unannounced and you never know how long he will stay. Seems he is currently living with my son in California and recently followed him to the DMV where he is trying to get his car registered.

    thanks for the heads up on the PBS series. sooo exciting!!

  9. introduce your project to my Swoon project.

  10. Too funny!! I am currently working on a quilt with Murphy looking over my shoulder. I call it the quilt that doesn't want to be a quilt! But I must persist, because it is for Blankets for Bastrop!!
