
20 September 2011


The first clue was the statement that yes, you will have enough yarn if you do this and this, otherwise you will need to frog stitch back to a certain row. By the time the point is reached to determine if there will be frogging, the piece is already a quarter of the way done. Normally, I knit a gauge swatch, but this, after all, is just garter stitch with buttonholes. I did not swatch. And I started knitting. As I neared a certain row, I decided that maybe, just maybe, I should cover my behind because my knitting which is usually right on gauge, could be off. So I threaded a piece of dental floss through the row so that in the off chance I had to rip it all the way back, then the lifeline would salvage a bit of the knitting.

I shouldn't have doubted myself. Everything was perfect. BTW, isn't that just luscious yarn? It's a silk/merino blend. More on this later.


  1. Paula I love your knitting - love the yarns as much as I love my quilting. I'm learning to crochet although my daughter wants to learn to knit so I may pay for classes for us to take together.

  2. The lifeline is a great idea! I will have to remember that one - thanks!

  3. Top tip there...I've passed the info onto my favourite daughter :o)

    Have a great day!

  4. Beautiful yarn... and great idea that lifeline! Will definitely remember that one...

  5. Oooo . . . Pretty colors. What are you knitting?

  6. Anonymous8:30 AM

    Paula, I just LOVE the yarn, it's so yummy!

  7. The yarn is a gorgeous color. I can't wait to see what you are making.

    I've never used a lifeline, but many times I wished that I had.

  8. Yummy, yummy colors. Are those socks for me . . . hmmmm?

  9. Pretty colors you are working with there Paula!! I look forward seeing what you are creating there! 8-)

  10. I feel like I need a language translator *lol* It sure is pretty. A picture is worth a thousand words.

  11. Those color look so soft.

  12. This photo makes me want to reach out and touch that yarn, it looks so soft, and I love the colors!
