
23 October 2011

Brought to you by the number 6

It was brought to my attention that today is my sixth blogiversary. Wow, six years! When I first started posting, I was not sure why I was doing this. But now the blog has settled into a knitting and quilting blog and I like it that way. I have made many good friends along this journey. Even though we have not met face to face, I consider you my friends, Yay friends, you are what keeps this blog going.


  1. Happy Blogiversary my friend!!

  2. Your blog is one of the few that I've continued to read since September of 2007, back when I began my own blog. I always find something of interest posted here, you've been very good company and a friend I enjoy keeping up with. Thanks for writing, sharing and teaching. Happy anniversary! :o)

  3. Happy 6th Blob-iversary to you with good wishes for many, many more blog posts!


  4. Congratulations! And thanks for the many pearls of inspiration!

  5. Spectacular! I'm darn sure happy we've developed a friendship. You're a treasure. ;)

    (ps: wordvfy: DEENE - sneaky close)

  6. Congratulations Paula on your 6th blog anniversary. Time goes by so fast doesn't it.
    I hope you continue to blog and share your talents in the blogosphere for many years to come.

  7. Wow, 6 years!!! Happy Blogiversary. Take care:)

  8. Happy Blogaversary to you, Happy Blogaversary to you... Hey, I'm almost due for a party of my own. Let's see I started in 2006 on Oct. 26. So, you started before me! I was reading you though, I can remember that...long before I started my blog and you were either my first or one of my first three commentors. And you are still a dear treasured blog, friend today...says she as she curls her toes in her nice wool socks :)

  9. Happy Bloggiversary! I have loved getting to know you over the years. You make your blog such a wonderful place to visit and your friendship is a cherished one.

  10. Congrats on your blogiversary, Paula. I'm so glad you started and have continued all these years. Yours is one of the first I discovered and continues to be one of my must reads. Thanks for being a dear blog friend.

  11. Congrats on your blogiversary. Wow, six years!

  12. Happy Blogiversary, Paula! Here's to the next 6, my friend!

  13. Felicitations. One of these times we will actually meet in person, I'm sure. Congrats on #6!

  14. Happy Blogiversary! I always enjoy reading your blog and look forward to the next 6 years!

  15. Happy Blogaversiry to you! I am right behind you, also was wondering who would ever want to read what I had to say! You know I always look at your blog right away, as you are almost in my neighborhood of the U.S. 8-)))

  16. Happy Blogiversary!

    You keep posting, and I'll keep reading. ;oD

  17. Anonymous4:59 PM

    Happy Blogiversary! I enjoy reading your blog, keep up the good work.

  18. We must have started blogging about the same time. Congratulations on 6 years.

  19. Happy Anniversary! What are doing with all those Hexies? Thanks for the comment on my blog. Sorry about the missing picture, that has now been corrected.

  20. Wow 6 years! Congrats on the anniversary!

  21. Happy blogiversary Paula!!

  22. Happy belated blogiversary Paula! Wow, six years!
