
02 October 2011

Cutting Fabric


Normally, I do not like to cut into fabric. Strange thing for a quilter to say, isn't it? It's always been this way. Way back when I used to do a lot of garment sewing, I would procrastinate on cutting out the pieces. Cutting out quilt pieces, I have found, is no different. So when I DO get into a mood to cut I cut out a lot of fabric.

So can you guess what I've been doing? Yes, cutting fabric. It started with a Mystery Quilt at the LQS. I finally decided on the fabrics and then cut the pieces according to the first clue. Now need to wait until the end of the month for the 'class'. But cutting those quilt pieces got me in the mood to cut more. So I did.

I now have all of this cut and waiting to sew:
That's enough to keep a girl out of trouble for a while. You'll know where to find me!


  1. Good for you! My problem is that my cutting table is usually piled high with stuff and it takes an hour to get ready to cut. Once I get it cleared I try to cut as much as I can!

  2. I haven't had a marathon cutting session in a long time. Come to think of it I haven't done any marathon sewing for a long time either.
    You will be busy for awhile. Enjoy!

  3. I, too, dread cutting into fabric; maybe, I should have a cutting frenzy, too.

    Thanks for the links for the quilt patterns and blocks. I saved a couple of them.

  4. You truly have your work cut out for you! Enjoy

  5. Good for you! You have a lot of lovely quilts in the works. Lots to add to my to-do list as well. I am cutting jeans for my denim rag rug, and I am having difficulty since the jeans are already made.

  6. My goodness! You got a LOT of cutting done! You'll be set for quite a while...

    I hate cutting out dressmaking patterns but rotary cutting with a ruler is fine.

  7. Wow!! I'm with you, I really don't like cutting fabric either. Congrats on all of those neat projects just waiting for you. Something to look forward to each day.

  8. I think the appliable term is "stash paralysis" or something like that...

    LOVE the old photo!!!!!!

  9. I like marathon cutting! Then when you want to start a project, its' ready to go. It's also good to do if you have lots saved on your DVR.

  10. Goodness Gracious, can you come cut at my house? Looking forward to the progress of the quilts you will be making.

  11. you were on a roll!

  12. Good Morning,
    I have gotten behind in my blog reading so am doing some catching up today. I was so touched by your posts. The first picture of the young woman cutting with those huge scissors made me realize how very fortunate we are to have the conveniences we have today. Then the video of the blind man brought tears to my eyes making me realize how very much I take for granted. Words are powerful indeed, and your words today touched my heart.

  13. OMG, you're cutting into your fabrics.... I'm laughing with you on this one because if I really love a piece of fabric, it takes everything in me to cut it... I'm talking sweaty palms, furrowed brow, gnashing of teeth... smiles!!

  14. Oh my gosh, you have lost it! Whatever possessed you to cut out all those quilts you ambitious woman?

  15. I'm looking forward to seeing what all of your fabric turns into!

  16. Love that old photo! I also dislike cutting, so have to bribe myself to do it and could never focus long enough to cut out all these projects... great job!

  17. I completely understand about procrastinating cutting into some fabric. Some of it is so nice (and so expensive) I am afraid I will mess something up and waste it, so I wait and wait to start. It's worse with clothing sewing. I have a greater chance of messing that up!
