
12 December 2011

Design Wall Monday - 12/12/11

Remember last week when I mentioned I was cutting tshirts for a quilt? Here is what I have accomplished. The shirt for that empty space is in the laundry.

I didn't notice that I have two shirts the same before I took this photo, so I guess I'll have to find another shirt. The Alexander Henry yardage on the left will be the sashing. Once again the camera caught something that my eye didn't see. Look at that repeat! I measured, and it is a 12" repeat; the blocks will finish at 15". I will have to shift the sashing a bit so it doesn't repeat. The shirts in this are car related and the oldest is from 1996.

Don't forget to visit JudyL at Patchwork Times, to see more design walls and what others are creating.


  1. I love seeing a work in progress on my computer after taking a picture. You can see things so differently. Wonderful fabric for your sashing. Wow! The quilt will be sizzling! Enjoy the process.

  2. I like taking pictures of the progress of a quilt because you really do see things in the camera lens you do not see with your eye.

    Love the quilt, and can't wait to see it done.

    glen in louisiana

  3. Ooooh! I've caught a mistake or two myself by taking a picture--and a time or two found it when I posted the finish! Those didn't get corrected. :-)

    Fun quilt going on here!

  4. Its going to be a colorful quilt for sure - the graphics on the tshirts are great and I think your sashing choice is perfect!

  5. that is going to be one sweet t-shirt quilt.
    I think taking photos of the design wall is an amazing way of finding mistakes whether in piecing or color layout, I'm always astounded that I 'missed' that. So much better to find it that way than after it's quilted, which used to be the usual way for me.

  6. Try putting the other 'matching' one in the diagonal corner, r. bottom. It just might look unifying rather than repeating! This is going to be about the best tshirt quilt I've seen...he has such great and colorful t's!!

  7. If there was ever a Car Guy quilt, this is it. I've been using my camera to help with fabric selection and block placement since I got my digital camera. Amazing what a difference this makes...amazing the errors this step catches! VBG! This should be included in the must have quilt tool section right next to the rotary cutter. :)

  8. Isn't is amazing how looking at something differently helps so much in catching mistakes? I've been so glad for finding things before the sewing is done! Looks like a fun quilt you've got going - love the sashing.

  9. Hi Paula!! Just catching up--aren't digital cameras handy?!!

  10. That is going to be a wonderful T-Shirt quilt Paula! Awesome border print too!!
    Happy stitching!

  11. OK, so I just spent time looking for the repeated t-shirt. It was like the game "find the 6 differences in these pictures." That was fun and this looks to be a great quilt.
