
04 December 2011

The Ribbon Scarf

Here is a closer look at that ribbon scarf on Monday's design wall. This ribbon was so slippery that when I tried to wind it on the yarn ball winder and I removed my hand from the top of the ball the ribbon just exploded into a mushroom. Once I got it contained in a zip lock baggie I tried to knit it up into a scarf. O my. Once again this yarn was a PITA and twisted and knotted. So this was a really good solution because I could cut this silly stuff if needed and I ended up doing so several times. I added bits and pieces of other yarns and fibers to add a bit of texture and interest. The scarf turned out very soft and drapey. It may become a Christmas present for someone.


  1. It looks soft and drapey and really stunning, too! Stylish.

    Impressive my friend, impressive!

  2. can you 'splain how you made it? It does look like a very cool present.

    WV: Preer. More gorgeous. eg: That scarf is preer than any I've seen in the stores.

  3. I wish I were on your gift list.

    triump: when just two umpires will not do

  4. Sooo pretty and drapey!
