
16 January 2012

Design Wall Monday - 01/16/2012

The design wall is empty! It has even been rollered with the tape roller.

What you see here is the first block ready to applique for the Baltimore Christmas quilt. See how many pins are in the cords at the top of the photo? That is how many each piece will end up having. I am a firm believer in lots and lots of pins. After using glue in the last applique quilt, Hugs and Kisses, which, incidentally is still just a flimsy top, I realized that I do not like using glue. I am back to my standard way of hand applique which is a combination of totally prepared applique pieces and needle turn.

The background fabric is the Etchings line by 3 Sisters for Moda. I am using the other right side of the fabric since it is the better color for my purposes. So what if you can't read it, you are supposed to be looking at the applique! The rest of the fabrics are from my stash.

By Friday this week, these pieces will be appliqued on.

For more design wall inspiration, visit JudyL at PatchworkTimes.


  1. Pinning is very important. Which size pins do you use? The long thin ones or the short ones.

  2. Wow, that looks like a lot of work. I think I might like hand applique, if someone else would prep it for me. ;-)

  3. Looking forward to seeing more of this project!

  4. Just the sight of it makes my blood pressure go up! It looks SO hard!

  5. Look at all those delicious leaves. It's going to be gorgeous!
