
02 January 2012

Design Wall Monday - January 2, 2012

I spent the day on December 31 participating in a one day Mystery Quilt class. I was not able to get the blocks finished in the class but DID get them finished and on the design wall today. I figured I couldn't go wrong with a red, white, and blue combo since it was only three fabric. This just sparkles, doesn't it? There are still two more borders to add.

And, there. In the chair. Do you see them? Over the back of the chair is the LAST mystery quilt sandwiched and ready to quilt. In the seat of the chair is the t-shirt quilt that is ready to sandwich and tie; this one will be quick once I can get to it.

To see other design walls, visit JudyL's blog, Patchwork Times, for more inspiration.


  1. Good for you - I'm a bit afraid of mysteries . . . because they are too mysterious *s* Your RW&B plan is an excellent one!

  2. I LOVE IT!! What a great quilt! You are rolling in mystery quilts aren't you? :)

  3. Your quilt is dazzling... love it!!

  4. I love this mystery quilt...great job!

  5. A busy woman! Since you ushered in 2012 so well, does that mean the whole YEAR will be so productive?? You will have to eat your Wheaties!

  6. You are running like a well-oiled machine. Congrats on all the finishing and the great mystery quilt.

    I can't ever seem to get it together to do one. Bonnie of Quiltville fame just finished her Orca Bay mystery here:

    It's lovely and uses lots of scraps. Alas, one day. ~ksp

  7. Love the quilt-- you can't go wrong with red,white and blue and yours is splendiforous!

  8. Great fabric choices for the mystery, and yes, it does sparkle.

  9. MagicLady5:38 PM

    It's awesome! It just sparkles.
