
09 January 2012

Design Wall Monday - January 9, 2012

There are subtle changes on the design wall. The biggest one is the quilt top is put together awaiting borders. There was a left over block from the t-shirt quilt that I am considering quilting up for a Priority Quilt for AAQI.

What you can't see is the actual t-shirt quilt because it is in another room on the basting table and the light is very poor for photos. I am about 3/4 the way through tying it. I know how hard the recipient is on quilts and decided that tying it with wool yarn was the way to go. Why wool yarn? Because when it is washed, the ties will felt and then will be permanent.I had to stop tying it for the day, though, because those screened designs on the shirts are really tough to get a needle through and my fingers are really, really sore.

From this location, if you were to glance to your right, you would see the envelopes of applique pieces and the background for the first block of the Baltimore Christmas.

For more inspiration and to see other design walls visit JudyL's blog, Patchwork Times,


  1. Love the pattern and the colors you chose.

  2. Love the tip about tying with wool yarn! I make tied quilts every so often and love I am remembering this lovely tip. And love the cooler heads than mine comment...good for you ;)

  3. Your quilt is fabulous! I really like the setting!!

  4. Your quilt top looks really great. Congratulations on being so close to finished on the t-shirt quilt too. You are brave to do that Baltimore Christmas! I love her stuff but boy are there lots of little pieces.

  5. I also like the way the blocks are set on your QAL top. The blue would definitely be a good choice for the first border.

  6. Have you tried those rubber discs for pulling the needle through? Sure does save on the fingers.
