
07 January 2012

Is this a crazy idea?

Recently this vintage quilt top was gifted to me. It has it's problems.

The squares were hand stitched in black thread with a scant 1/8" seam. See those deep red/burgundy squares? There are other colors that are falling apart at the seams like these.

Am I nuts to even consider this? Think of the work involved.


  1. If you really love the quilt; then, yes it would be worth the time.

    It is a lovely quilt. Any idea who made it and when?

  2. What the other Nancy said. If you don't LOVE the quilt, then don't do it -- it will make you cranky!

  3. The Wisdom of the Nancy's!

  4. What a shame that the seam allowance was so narrow and the blocks are coming apart... it's a lovely quilt top.

    You are not nuts to be considering another option for all those cool fabrics...

  5. Having recently "repaired" a very old quilt top I can speak from some experience. I was working with very small, very irregular seams and all were hand stitched. If it is a labor of love, do it. Otherwise, run in the other direction!

  6. You have got to love those little things to do that but at least you will be saving a part of the past.

  7. Not nuts at all - GO FOR IT! As for me - I want to recreate the original *s*

  8. Mmmmm. If you love it go for it. If you don't stand away!

  9. You are scaring me Paula!

  10. I'm reading this after you've already made your decision but I can see it would be LOTS of work and time. The work would be okay but the time - I'm not so sure it would have been worth that. blessings, marlene

  11. I too am reading this after you have made a decision. I personally wouldn't take it as an all or nothing decision. You don't have to take it apart and repair it. What I would do is repair just the bad seams - just quilt it by zig zagging down all the seams to hold them down.
