
21 February 2012

I am not a BOT

and my eyes are too old to read those word verification things especially when the letters are kerned together. I get so frustrated when I type in what I see and get rejected over and over. I think I'm not alone. So I have turned off word verification. I sure wish Blogger would give us numbers instead of being alphanumeric. If I get a lot of spam, I will have to moderate messages.


  1. Ain't it the truth? So far so good with no spam for me . . . . fingers crossed.

  2. I just removed mine too so that you can come leave me a comment ;)

  3. I hate those things too! will be removing from my blog. BTW love, love what you did with that yarn!!! It would still be sitting in my closet had I not sent it to you. It is lovely!

  4. I couldn't agree more.

    I changed to no word verification several months ago, but also changed the moderated comments to posts older than 7 days. That seems to be controlling any SPAM comments.

  5. The new word verification is giving these ole peepers fits... geez louise!

    I took word verification off my blog about a year ago and rarely get spam posts... and the spam posts do not appear on my blog; however, I get notification of them in email. I think I've had a dozen over the past year... not bad.

    I do check my spam box occasionally... when I think about it... okay, rarely.... and there are never more than one or two in there...

  6. I feel the same way--I'll try up to 3 times, but if I still can't please the robot that creates such illegibility, I just move on to the next blog--really sad when I'd like a chance to compliment the blog owner about something she has posted.

  7. Thank you!! I hate verification (and even more so now that they made it two words).

  8. I turned mine off and haven't gotten any spam at all, knock on wood.

  9. I agree, but I have made an attempt at some of them and found that I've either "guessed" correctly, or it has allowed me to "slide" through.

  10. I've turned it off too and I've removed anonymous comments and that seems to be the right combo to keep the spammers away...

  11. Anonymous2:00 PM

    I hope that you don't get spam. Thanks for taking it off.

  12. I hate it too and turned mine off. so far--no spam.

  13. I noticed today that Blogger has taken off the half background on one of the words. Making it a little easier but I still would rather do without. Turned mine off, too.

  14. Thank you for turning it off!I wish more bloggers would as I'm with you-half the time I get the words wrong and retype it in again and again. After that I just don't leave a comment as it's just too annoying.
