
02 March 2012

How's your Friday going?

Shopping this morning was productive. Fig Leaf Quilting had two (2!!) fabrics in the color red that I needed. How often does that happen? One of them is a blue/red Kona Cotton. Should have looked at the bolt end to see the name. *shrug* Now I need to make sure that neither of these fabrics is going to bleed because they are for the Baltimore Christmas quilt.

My new prescription  sunglasses were in and now I can see without squinting in the bright sun on snow days.

Sprouts Farmers Market had some mighty fine looking Sockeye Salmon on special. Into the shopping cart it went along with some pine nuts for the morning oatmeal and some roasted almonds for snacking.

A new yarn shop opened up only 10 minutes away from home. Oh my, this could be trouble 'cause it's the Loopy Ewe. I went in to purchase sock blockers and came out with some Madelinetosh yarn too. The colorway is called Fjord which is perfect for an upcoming project. It is luscious yarn. I would be in deep trouble if this store were closer.



  1. Yikes, I would be in trouble if Loopy Ewe was that close to my house! The colorway for your Madelinetosh is beautiful - thanks for sharing the name.

  2. What a productive day you've had and lots of fun. Purchasing what you like is always fun.
    I mowed the yard for the first time this year.... lots of yellow weeds everywhere... then it was off to my sewing studio to cut some 12 inch squares for an upcoming project.
    Now, I'm thumbing through some quilting magazines dreaming of more projects.... LOL

  3. I just love the color of your new yarn. What do you think you'll make?

  4. This comment has been removed by the author.

  5. I think 10 minutes away will cause plenty of trouble!

  6. I think 10 minutes away will cause plenty of trouble!

  7. I think 10 minutes away will cause plenty of trouble!

  8. What a great day! Finding THE fabric is always a big winner. New shades . . . . only bring fun in the sun. And a trip to Sprouts *yummy* I love Sprouts and as luck would have it - it's the closest market to my home *woo hoo*

  9. Ahh, a yarn shop that is close by! That could be very dangerous indeed....Lovely yarn that you brought home with you.
