
13 April 2012

Shrink Film for Applique

I've been working diligently on my Baltimore Christmas applique blocks. The third block is in the prep stage. In a decluttering mode, I found a small stash of white shrink film and thought that it might work for some of the elements on the block. I drew the elements onto paper guessing at a size. This film is supposed to shrink between 33% - 50%.

Well, guess what? It shrank a whole lot more than I guessed. The following picture shows the traced elements from the pattern and right beside it the shrink plastic button.

Back to the drawing board. Not litterally, but close. I scanned my original drawing into a drawing software in the computer and then using the ole brain (did you see the smoke coming out the ears?) and a proportion wheel, I figured out the percentage of enlargement needed. I enlarged the items and then printed it out on paper. Once I had the size I needed, I traced it onto the film and then proceeded.

I did not like the way the red/white candy canes turned out so I am not going to use them but will paint some candy canes instead. But the holly and the gingerbread man will do just fine. Actually, the gingerbread man is iffy. I am going to try a different approach and then compare the two gingerbread men.
You can see that I got much closer in the second batch than the first batch.


  1. Anonymous6:41 AM

    I am puzzled as this is a product I know nothing about. Looks amazing.

  2. I am in the same boat as Connie..... what exactly is this product??? And what is its purpose when???? Quilting? Art? I don't understand.

  3. I love how you worked it all out . . . . and I KNOW you will come up with the cutest, most cleverest way to use those too small pieces, too!

  4. Aside from packaging needs, I didn't know that the shrink film could also be used for the arts!
