
31 December 2012

Design Wall Monday - December 31, 2012

     There is a lot of different things on the design 'counter' today. The back portion hasn't changed much because it is the standard things that stay on the counter, a bit like salt and pepper shakers staying on the kitchen table.
  • The pattern 'cartoon' of the center section of the Baltimore Christmas was dug out again because the drum that Santa is holding bothered me. I just didn't like it so I'm redoing it and you can see it being held down by the blue taped glass. The bottom layer of that pile is the pattern for the borders. All the pieces and parts have been prepped for the borders. Yay. Unfortunately, nothing can be put together until the blocks are cut down. The blocks can't be cut down until they have been soaked in Synthrapol. I ran out so I ordered more and I'm waiting for the delivery. And so, I am having a bit of a break from this beast.
  • I dug out some forest green twill to make a cover for the outdoor grill and the twill made it as far as the counter. The cover won't be waterproof, but it will, some what, protect from the elements.
  • The latest issue of Knitscene got tossed onto the counter. There is a cute hat pattern inside that I tried out; let's just say that the pattern needs a bit of re-adjustment. I frogged the hat and am using the yarn in something else.
  • A baggie of paper piecing hexagons. A lot of hexagons actually; I'm not sure how many.
  • In the front is the latest Priority Quilt for AAQI. It has it's official number and will be mailed out today, I hope.
This is the last design wall for 2012. Please visit Judy L at PatchworkTimes for more linked design walls.


  1. Decisions, decisions....have a great new year my friend!!

  2. Your design wall/counter looks great to me!

    Happy New Year to you and yours!

  3. You are always so productive!
