
27 December 2012

Thoughts on a Grey Day

Today is a very cold and grey day. Do you knit? You know that I do and it is a wonderful way to not only unwind but to let your mind wander. After all, if a mistake is made it is easy enough to fix. The reason that I bring up the subject of knitting is because as I was working towards the toe of a sock my mind wandered to UFOs. A UFO, for the uninformed, is an UnFinished Object. I have several. LOL! Don't we all? Do you remember this post about the UFO Challenge List? Here is the photo from that post way back on January 1, 2011.

UFO Challenge

I dug out that notepad again and as of today, this is what it looks like.

So in the two years since that post, progress has definitely been made. "A Christmas Wish" was the first to be finished and it has graced the coffee table each Christmas since."Hugs and Kisses" only has a dashed line through it because it is at the long arm quilter's. "She Wants to DANCE!" won a 3rd place ribbon in a quilt show that features the Hoffman Challenge. "Double 4-Patch" was king sized and finished before winter 2011. That was one of the barter quilts I have made. The plans is to work on "Iris Garden" after the "Baltimore Christmas" quilt is finished. I have found that I can only do one applique quilt at a time. I can't split my focus on those quilts because they then get too over whelming.

Is this a resolution? I hope not, I don't like resolutions. Let's call it a goal: work on and finish "Iris Garden" in 2013.


  1. Interesting thought, Paula. While I make resolutions, I don't expect to get anything DONE, I just work in the direction and like you, they DO get accomplished, at some time. Your post was a nice reminder.

  2. Lists are fun because you can cross things off and track your progress! I don't make specific resolutions but do aim at making progress at many things! Also, return to things that I have stopped doing because I think life it too busy. Things like - making jelly, stopping by a neighbor's for tea, bringing someone who is sick a casserole... that kind of thing.

  3. I'm a big list maker also. Love to cross things off!
