
25 February 2013

Design Wall Monday - February 25, 2013

Well, this area FINALLY got some snow. And during that storm a big batch of chili was made in the crock pot. And after all the domestic chores were done, some sewing commenced. So for the last Design Wall Monday in the month of February I actually have something to show.

Have you heard about Operation Homefront? Operation Homefront in Texas is having several baby showers for the wives and military members who are having babies. You can read about it here. Or you can read about another one here.

A baby quilt is quick to make. This one measures about 36"x45". It isn't quilted yet but I was able to cut and sew it together in a day. It started with quarter yard cuts of three fabrics in one line and ended with this! I have enough 2.5" strips to possibly make another baby quilt.

What's on your design wall?


  1. Very different. When I first saw it it looked like a wall of slides. I guess that shows my age, doesn't it?

  2. What a wonderful program! I am SO glad to know that groups are more understanding of military families. When I was expecting, Hubby was stationed out of the country. An organization that offered layettes to low ranking military families would not allow me to have one - only the military person could pick it up. That wasn't my only run in with this 'charitable' organization during that deployment. As such they will never receive a single penny from me because I know they are not there to help.

  3. Anonymous12:35 PM

    Your quilt is going to make someone very happy. I like the design, I really like white backgrounds. And, oh, on my design wall there is nothing. But I am getting some knitting done. :)

  4. This sounds like a worthy cause and I love making baby quilts. have printed out the info and will get to work. thanks for the link!

  5. Thanks for the information on Operation Home Front. I will do further research. Small quilts are fun to try different patterns and blocks with and then they make great donations.

  6. Crisp, fresh, welcoming. Really love it.
