
04 February 2013

Maybe Design Wall Monday

Hi there, did you miss me? Other than being ill, I have no excuse for the lack of quality content on this blog recently.

The design wall is empty, as in nothing on it. Why? Well, let's see The commission quilt top from the last Design Wall Monday is completed. In fact, the backing has been assembled also, but it is still waiting to be pressed.

Since I decided to do my own quilting on the Baltimore Christmas, I could go ahead and do the needed embroidery before quilting. And after all, how many time do you want to see the same thing? I'll do a photo when there is something more to show.

Faithful Circle seems to be the never-ending, on-going hand piecing work. It is still ongoing. You can read about this one here, here and here.

The second commission quilt is in the design stage. I'll show more when there IS more.

Other than that, life goes on.

What's happening with you?


  1. Very little quilting going on here, as 7 baby bunnies have been born and evidently I need to check on them 12 times a day. In the next few days, my second bunny will have her litter. So things are really "hoppin" around here, but not with fabric.

  2. I didn't have anything to share either. Glad you're feeling better!!

  3. I'm trying to keep my finger in many pies right now. Sort of like a duck, I just don't know which shiny thing to focus on. Hope you are all better soon.

  4. Anonymous7:23 AM

    Yep, I did miss you! Sorry you were unwell. I've been busy with mostly "this and that" and have nothing for show or tell other than the scarf I'm knitting and that's on my blog. Family things are keeping me occupied at the time.

  5. sometimes even when you are working on a project, it just isnt' enuf to show. Hope you are feeling better!
