
04 April 2013

The Importance of a Label

This quilt was made by Karen Mowery, Sewprimitive Quilter, who recently passed away. Her son, Tim, had the monumental task of sorting and disposing of his mother's quilts, crafts and household. This quilt and others were listed on eBay and  I was the highest bidder on this one. I was unaware that it was reversible, so imagine my surprise when I opened the box and pulled out the quilt. I know I audibly gasped.

Another surprise: there was no label. I contacted Marcie Patch to get more information and she led me to this post on Karen's blog.

And so, I made a label for this quilt. This is by no means the full label as I cropped out some private information.

Do you label your quilts? This is a good example on why you should. This quilt's story could have ended abruptly like the antique and vintage quilts made by 'maker unknown'. Label, label, label!


  1. I'm so glad you got one of Karen's quilts. The label is perfect. I always label nowadays even if it's just my name & the date it was made.

  2. I do label when I am gifting a quilt, but had not really thought about what might happen to the quilts I keep for myself. Thanks so much for this thoughtful post and the peek at your new treasure.

  3. Awesom, Paula!! Good for you for taking the initiative to find the information you needed! I was very sad when she passed away. Yes, I label almost everything!!

  4. I love finding labels on quilts...doesn't happen as often as it should! Glad to see you got one of Karen's quilts...

  5. Good For you! (I don't label near as much as I should...)

  6. I'm glad you got one of Karen's quilts... and were able to track down the information about it.

    I'm with you on the labels... quilt ain't done til there's a label on it!

  7. Such a good reminder..isn't it wonderful that the information was on her blog and that you've documented it on the quilt.

  8. Such a good reminder! It's so lucky that the information was on her blog so you could label her gorgeous quilt!

  9. Oh my goodness, I did not know about Karen's passing but I am so happy to know that one of her quilts ended up with you. How honoring to make that label. I was just contemplating some label making this morning. I am thinking of using the sleeve on the back of my small quilts as a pocket where I can slip a piece of paper with some information about the quilt inside.

  10. Paula--thanks for the link--I read back a ways on her blog. I'm glad you were able to label her quilt--it is indeed a very special quilt.

  11. So wonderful that you got one of Karen's quilts! Enjoy!
