
29 May 2013


I just got a quilt back from a long arm quilter and I am disappointed in it, to say the least. This was the Block of the Month in 2010 from The Quilt Show. This quilter only did half the job! I was wondering why it was so cheap and now I know.

Do you see what DIDN'T happen? The appliques were not ditch quilted. In fact, the swags needed a bit of quilting inside of them. I love what she did in the negative spaces but she fell short on the others.

It is fixable and I am going to do it myself on my DMS. I am saddened about this and I even discussed what I wanted for this quilt, but she apparently didn't listen very well. I doubt that I will be using this quilter again.


  1. That's too bad, but you are right, she did a nice job in the background.

  2. Hmmm, I do see what you mean...a local person there?? The negative spaces are really pretty!!

  3. Hope you let her know that you were disappointed. Though a hard conversation, hopefully she will take your constructive criticism and apply it. She should really make this right for you if that's what you want.

  4. I'm so sorry you were disappointed. My one and only go with a professional (and personal acquaintance) long-armer was a disaster. I vowed never again. Still planning to pick out that quilting and do it myself.

  5. That's too bad. As someone mentioned, a conversation with the quilter, while difficult needs to be done. She needs to know how you feel.

  6. Been there. It is heartbreaking when this sort of thing happens to a beautiful quilt...that you worked so hard on. I agree that this quilter should be told what her errors were, what should have been done and how. It's strange that she did not consult with you about this while it was still on her frame, she had to see that her work was not done cause it jumps right out at you. Did you buy your long-arm? I suspect that you would do very well with it.

  7. What a shame...I'm sure that you'll be able to fill in the bits you need filling, but it is a disappointment when it doesn't come back done as it should have.
