
17 May 2013

OTN Friday - May 17, 2013

Two pair of socks have been added to the finished basket since the last On The Needles post. This yarn is Wisdom Yarns Marathon Sock yarn. I have more of it, sigh. In fact, there is a lot of sock yarn in the yarn storage bin. Does that surprise you? It shouldn't. I realized that not only does the sock yarn multiply, but the downloading of free sock patterns is bordering on the obsessive. To that end, I am trying to pair a pattern that I haven't knit before with a yarn from the stash. And so, I knit the blue socks using Fluted Banister free sock pattern and the black/grey ones are Scales Skin Socks. The SSS link goes to Ravelry and it is now a for-sale pattern, but when I downloaded several years ago, it was free. I changed the top a bit on the SSS socks by doing a K1P1 rib instead of the picot edge, because the yarn is a bit too masculine for a frilly edge.

I promised photos of the steeked sweater. Which is still a WIP, believe it or not, although it looks finished. I CAN wear it this way, but it needs a bit of tweaking still.

It fits beautifully across the shoulders and the neck. And I really ♥ the elbow length sleeves. The steeking* was easy after the first cut. Once the cut edges rolled into the inside, I covered them with a braided ribbon from my stash. There-in lies the problem. The edge stretched a bit as I was sewing the braid on and the bottom front edges formed dog-ears. I need to frog the ribbon and stitch it on by hand, all the while easing in the fabric so the ears disappear. That is a job for high summer, when I can hide in my basement sewing studio.

On the inside, I left little 1" strands of the yarn hanging. Once they felt up a bit from wearing the sweater, I can trim them closer to the fabric. These little 'tabs' are from adding on a new ball of yarn.

The sweater needed pockets and there was enough yarn left over to add a pocket to each side. I picked up stitches just above the garter stitch edging at the bottom of the sweater and knitted on a pocket lickty split . Using matching yarn, I stitched the top and sides onto the sweater fabric.

For more knitted goodness, you can visit JudyL at Patchwork Times to follow the link ups.

*I will post my process of steeking since I shot photos during the process. 'K?


  1. The sweater is fabulous! I love that deep pink.

    Great socks too. I think I have another skein or two of that sock yarn. Will get to it eventually.

  2. Great socks!!
    That sweater is fabulous! You are so clever with adding pockets.

  3. You have been busy!!! the socks are lovely and the sweater is gorgeous.

  4. Your socks are wonderful. Love your sweater too. You are sooo talented.

  5. When I was knitting my one pair of socks, over and over and over again, I bought enough yarn for 4 more pairs. I'm unlikely to make socks from that yarn because I realized I don't much care for WEARING hand knit socks.

    But the stuff does multiply, doesn't it.

    Love your sweater, and love that you figured out how to fix what was wrong.

  6. Anonymous6:30 PM

    The color of your sweater is gorgeous!

  7. I find it much faster to buy yarn than to actually use it! Very nice finishes - good to mix patterns up I guess - I usually knit the same sock pattern over and over again, but lately I have been branching out a bit too. Love your sweater and the idea of adding pockets too! Cheers! Evelyn
