
01 July 2013

Design Wall Monday, July 1, 2013

It's been a long time since I've been able to participate in DWM. The Baltimore Christmas is a finished top and is hanging with other tops while I work on this:

What is this, you ask? Practice sandwiches. I purchased a used HQ Sweet Sixteen and have been practicing ever since mid-June. The latest is on the right. Not too bad, if I say so.

I got a bit bored with the practice, so I put a baby quilt together using a panel on the top and purposely chose a solid color for the back so I could see what was happening.

Oh, look. Really good stitches. Nice and uniform.
Not good is the tuck. There are more than one. Ugh. I know what happened. It was my basting, I did not have the backing taut enough for pin basting. I should have taken it all out, but I wanted to see what would happen if I didn't. Is this going to compound itself?

For other design walls, visit Judy L at Patchwork Times.


  1. Practice makes perfect, Paula!!

  2. I think you are doing great....jumping in with both feet!!!

  3. The stitches look great and no one is going to notice the tucks but you ;-) Have fun with your new machine!

  4. Love your samples! Mine aren't nearly as good but, even so, I hate to not use them. So I cut them into a circle or oval, bind with leftover binding, and use as kitchen mats.
