
23 September 2013

Design Wall or Not

Here is my coffee table since my actual design wall is a big blank expanse of white batting. I finished my sister's quilt which is actually a comforter since there is no batting in it and I backed it with Minkee. It is lightweight and warm, as requested.

I have 2 projects pictured on the hand carved chest that serves as a coffee table. The project in pink is the first sock in a pair. The other project is an on-going one that entails the leftover sock yarn being knit into squares. The squares will eventually sewn together into a blanket. I believe I have mentioned this before.

There is also a stack of sketch books (2), flyers, papers, topped with a book on knitted vests.

And the wooden chest, in case you are wondering, is a piece that my father gave to my mother many, many years ago when he was stationed overseas. All sides are hand carved and there is a sandlewood tray inside that makes everything smell so wonderful.


  1. It looks as if you have enough to keep busy for awhile. I have some extra baggies if you'd like your design wall to be coloful! LOL Glad you're safe from the flooding.

  2. My knitting has taken precedence over sewing for several months. I really need to get back in my sewing room, but I love the grab and go aspect that knitting is providing.

    Love the pink socks!

  3. That's great that you kept your Mum's chest. My Mum had one and I don't know what happened to it.
    Does the sandalwood keep moths away?

  4. *mmmm* sandalwood

  5. *mmm* sandalwood.

  6. I always like to check our your knitting--especially socks. I've been watching the flooding reports, didn't know it was so close to you. I'm still living in my camper and plan to be until late October. No early blizzards please!
