
09 October 2013

A Birthday Gift

A young man needed a last minute birthday gift. Since the great fashion fabric organization unearthed some stashed fleece and the serger, it was a no-brainer on what to make.
There. That red will work for a 1 year old.

It took longer to thread the serger than it did to sew the item.

Do you do this? Keep a notebook? For different types of fabric, I will make note of the serger settings and then staple a sample to the page. I have done this for rolled hems, narrow hems, chiffon, rayon, fleece, and flannel, one layer or two layers. All the different methods have their own page. It sure does save time and lots and lots of fiddling.

And voila! The finished project; completed in under an hour. This should keep that wee head warm this winter.


  1. Jacob had a hat like this when he was a wee one, I love that hat, the fit, the fastener, the warmth!

  2. Love the hat.... and wish I had done a notebook like yours! What a time saver that must be...

  3. Fantastic!

    I don't own a serger, but I do write notes to myself on knitting and quilting patterns.
