
02 September 2015

August 2015 Finishes

The colors look strange in these photos, too saturated, so I reset my camera to factory defaults. I'm not going to reshoot these so you will have to live with it.

These are the Spiral Eyelet socks from the last post. I can't believe it took me all month to make these. According to my Ravelry account, I started these on August 3 and finished on August 24. This is a pattern that you definitely have to pay attention to when knitting.

I found a panel at one of my local quilt stores called "Buttons and Blooms" so I bought two of them. The original panel can be seen at the bottom of the quilt. I cut the other one to make a mirror image, added a coordinating fabric and Boom! a child's quilt resulted.

I was on a role with some preprinted quilty type fabrics. This one is log cabins. I backed it with fleece and then quilted it. Another child's quilt!

Here's the back.

For the last several years, I have made a quilt for an annual September auction held by the local hot rod club with all the proceeds going to breast cancer research. Except for last year because I didn't have anything ready. Way back in the dark ages (1980s I think) I bought a lot, and I mean a huge amount, of Harley Davidson bandannas. Not too strange, considering that there was a Harley parked in the garage. I started making quilts with them resulting in a quilt made with brand-new vintage bandannas. I believe that this is Harley quilt number 8. And yes, there are still more of these bandannas.


  1. Great socks! Cameras don't like red for some reason. I rarely get a good picture of something so red. Very clever kids quilts! Speaking of clever, so is that Harley quilt! Someone will love giving it a home!

  2. The Harley quilt is going to be a hit at the auction.

    I love the socks! Most of the socks I knit anymore are plain stockinette.

    Don't miss the Take and Replace swap that I'm hosting on my blog. Come join the fun.
