
01 June 2016

June 1 already!

June is bustin' out all over! The skies have been cloudy and rainy for much of the month of May, but we are having a bit of a warm and dry stretch right now. I hope it lasts more than a couple of days.

I've been finishing up some knitted projects before the really hot weather hits. Even though we have AC, I don't like to knit in the summer. I don't knit with cotton yarn because it really makes my hands ache -- no give in the yarn.

Summer, for me, is a time to work in the yarden and to read in the shade of a tree. Camping is always a big one for my family and now that there is a grandchild I will be spending a lot of time at places like the zoo and children's art museums.

Do you want to see the last knitted finishes before hot weather? Here you go:

This is Lael. It is a beautiful cowl made with a beautiful yarn. This yarn is Silky Flammé by Elsebeth Lavold and is a combination wool/alpaca/silk. Once I learned the pattern repeat, it was an easy knit.

I finished up a pair of socks, too. I hated working on these. Plain knitting with a plain Oatmeal colored yarn. The man receiving these is happy with them and I suppose that is what counts.

These mitts are for me to wear next fall in that very cold and drafty building I work in. Don't you love the mirror imaged cables?


  1. Just lovely! Not to mention, inspiring! Hope you have a wonderful summer! XO

  2. Lovely knits!

    Enjoy your summer and time with family.

  3. The socks look great I love the color.

  4. The scarf yarn must be the softest thing ever. Very pretty color too. I have to say that I adore plain Jane oatmeal socks. Handmade is what makes them special and they look so comfy. And I have a pair of the fingerless mitts in nearly the same color and cable knit. Knitting daughter made them for me. Perfect for the gentle chill season. Nice to know that summer has found you. It seems that all things green exploded here with just a few days of wet and hot weather. I didn't sew all winter and now that it's hot and humid outside, I want to sew. Go figure. :)
