
24 September 2016

The UFOs

I loaded this hand-pieced quilt onto the frame to quilt it, but my hands would not let me do frame quilting any more, so I actually pin-basted it to be able to quilt it on a hoop. So the basting is done but not the quilting. Still a UFO.
These are the left over hexagons from the quilt in the first picture. What can I say? I over cut. But I pressed them flat and then cut them into 4.5" squares. DONE..

This is a favorite shirt that was so horribly stained I couldn't wear it any more. I took it apart and made a pattern from the pieces. Pattern making is DONE but the new shirt is still a UFO.

A sack full of Crown Royal bags. I took them all apart and realized I had enough for two different quilts. Still a UFO.

These are the two QOV quilt from the previous two posts. When this photo was taken they were only basted and awaiting quilting. Obviously, from the other posts they are DONE.

Here is the vintage quilt that was partially bound and very lightly hand basted. Then washed. Arggh! I had to remove the basting and the binding, switch out the poly batting for 100% cotton batting and put a new backing on it. I needed the shrinkage one gets from the batting and backing to counter the uneven shrinkage of the top. It is now re-basted and quilted with a Baptist Fan pattern. DONE!

 And here is what it looks like:

And the back:

So it is kind of under control.


  1. That's a lot! Can't believe you had to take apart that shot vintage quilt! But it came out beautifully! Great stick-to-it-iveness! Enjoy your day! Good luck with the UFOs that remain on your to do list! XO

  2. Wow! Amazing progress on your UFOs. The vintage quilt looks amazing - nice save.

  3. You did a great job with the vintage quilt...really well done. It's beautiful and done just in time to enjoy it's autumn colors.

  4. Crown Royal bags - I have a bag full of C R bags to make a quilt for my son. I'm in the process of deconstructing them now. I'm still trying to decide on a patern as he wants the entire bag used. I've been thinking of a "rag quilt". I purchased gold (not a bright gold) to use with the bags. Any pattern ideas. This is my next project and still have no idea what I want to do. Any suggestions? Thanks Nancy
