
23 October 2016

A recent finish

So I've been knitting from my stash. A lot. In fact, after this pair of socks, I only have enough yarn for three more pairs and I have already cast on another pair.

This doesn't mean that I have no other yarn. Oh no. I have lots of yarn for shawls and sweaters of which I am glad because, frankly, I am getting a bit burned out knitting socks. There, I've said it.

And so, once I have used up the sock yarn, I am moving on to items that take more quantity of yarn. :)


  1. I have a large stash of sock yarn, and like you, I'm weary of knitting socks. I've started using sock yarn for scarves and shawls.

  2. I love these socks. Someday I'm going to learn how to knit them. Still doing easier knitting.
