
08 March 2017

Hi there!

It's been a while hasn't it?

Other than bunion surgery, nothing has been happening here. The surgery is the culprit. Since my sewing room is in the basement, I couldn't negotiate the stairs with the air cast on my foot. And let's talk about using the foot pedal to the sewing machine. Not! It is my right foot, so I can't drive either. Can we say that I have been effectively curtailed?

I did get a lot of experimental knitting done, but nothing to show for it since I frogged it all.

In my defense, I am very well rested now.

Soon (I hope) the cast will be just a memory and I can go back to my daily life again.


  1. I imagine that when you return to your sewing space, your machine will be busier than ever. Hang in there!

  2. Ugh! Well, you can catch up on your reading. Never enough time for that.

  3. HI Paula...well rested! I bet you are so ready to be up and at 'em! Wishing quick healing for you!

  4. Hopefully the surgery was successful and there will be less pain than pre-surgery.

  5. Good to hear from you again. May you be free of the cast and back at your sewing machine in the near future.

  6. Sorry I hadn't visited in awhile. Glad to hear you're on the mend. It's no fun to not be able to do the things you love but soon you'll be back at it, I'm sure!!

  7. Hope you're feeling better every day! XO

  8. Hope you can get back to stitching again soon.

  9. Oh, Paula! I am so (SEW) sorry to read about you being sidelined. The rest is good, but I do understand your frustration at being involuntarily banned from your sewing space. Read any good books? Take good care, wishing you speedy healing.
