
20 October 2017


I seem to have lost my blogging mojo. A lot has been happening but I don't feel like writing about it. I am still knitting and crocheting for Project Linus. Here are the latest 2:
 This lovely soft lilac baby afghan is knitted in my favorite Ravelry pattern called the Sunny Blanket.
And this soft green afghan is crocheted in my go-to Ripple pattern.

I've been quilting too:
 This is made from spare parts left over from two other quilts. It is a sashed double 4-patch.
Here's the back. I didn't have enough of the batik so I pieced a large box. This is a gift for someone and I don't want this person to know, so I'm not mentioning names.


  1. Your Project Linus blankets look very soft and cuddly! And I just love that quilt! Very, VERY nice! Hope you enjoy your weekend.

  2. I know what you mean about the mojo thingy. I lost mine back in the summer but it's back now, so I'm sure that you will find yours soon. Take dare!!!

  3. Quilting, knitting, crocheting--its all good Paula! I have plenty of Mojo, bought two full boxes of quilt/magazines books at the guild rummage sale--$2@box. I found at least three ideas in the first five magazines.

  4. i have lost my quilting mojo, just barely hanging on to my knitting and blogging mojo. Just one of those seasons. Stay strong.

  5. I love all of your items you make, going to use the 4 patch as a inspiration for a quilt. You are so good at blending colors! Everyone needs some time to recharge, hugs to you & hope your glue gun boo boo heals up.
