
31 October 2018

October 2018

Today is Halloween. Boo to you. This is one of the nine embroidered blocks I did for a Halloween quilt several years ago. I loved playing with the colors.

This month has been very stressful. An in-law died with no will and was a hoarder. All the siblings live distances away except for Hubby and me. So it is falling to the two of us to clean this horrible, smelly place out. We are trying to sell as much as we can so we can pay the utilities, dumpster fees, and taxes. If we can keep the lights on until probate is settled then we can sell the place and be rid of it.

I am having to suit up in one of those Tyvek hazmat-type suits to work in this house. I wear rubber gloves and a respirator. I tried a dust mask the first day and that did not work well at all so I bought a respirator with charcoal filters. Relief.

I don't wish this type of job on anyone, but you do what is necessary. The neighbors are appreciative.

1 comment:

  1. Cute ghost! You and hubby are so good! I have a hoarder as a neighbor, so I can just imagine the task that’s been laid out before you. Good luck!
