
30 April 2020

April 2020

I've made several batches of Delectable Mountain blocks. Finished are the gold, dark blue, and brown. I'm working on the purple ones now. 160 blocks is a lot of work!

Before Covid-19 I took on a commission of making some blue velvet curtains. I had to suspend the roll of fabric from the floor joists in the basement and then arrange two tables and some bins to be able to get the fabric to unroll easily and smoothly. I had to get the hubs to help with the cutting because I had limited amount of velvet and I couldn't waste any in squaring up the ends. The curtains were a piece of cake to make, it is the fabric cutting that is a bit difficult and fiddly.

I made another batch of masks and took them down to the fire department. They hand them out to others.

I've been slowing adding rows to the knitted log cabin blanket. I made all the blocks using left over sock yarn. Then I put 12 squares in a column by knitting them together by doing a knitted on i-cord. Now I am knitting the columns together the same way. It is very slow going and I would like to get it done before hot weather really gets here.

1 comment:

  1. Can’t wait to see your delectable mountains all together! I made sheers for my house one year and I agree with you about the cutting the fabric being the most difficult part! Great job on the masks. My masks are similar and as I’ve gone out and about a little more I’ve realized that if I had to wear one all day, I’d be miserable. They are okay in small spurts, but hot and heavy for long term. I’m going to try making one from a t-shirt to test the difference in breathe ability.
