
31 December 2020

Quiet Christmas and New Year's Eve 2020


It's been quiet around here. The Husband and I are still hunkered down and only going to the grocery store, the library and doing the occasional curbside restaurant pickup. I don't know about you but I'm running out of innovative things to cook that The Husband will eat. I've started baking bread again because it gives me something to do.

You would think a quilter would have a lot to do and, yes, I have. I have made and finished four Project Linus quilts and six Quilts of Valor quilts since March. There are two more smallish quilts to quilt and a third ready to baste. I think I'm bored and I want to go outside. But outside is cold, slick and windy. Not a place for me right now.

I now have five more quilts to quilt. Five! I've been pulling fabrics from the shelves and making simple quilts to use for quilting practice. Except for the Delectable Mountains quilt; that one is a king sized quilt of many seams. It will be heavy. I finally figured out what I'm going to quilt on it.It's a very large meander with squiggles on each side of the line.  Since I have a sit down quilting machine a king size quilt is do-able but the quilting needs to be fairly simple since I have to push the mass of the quilt around. 

I will wish you all a quiet and healthy New Year.

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