
07 November 2007

A tidy pile of Log Cabins

Since I work outside the home, it is a bit difficult for me to get a lot of sewing done during the week. However, I was actually able to sneak into the sewing room yesterday evening and sew a bit on some Log Cabin blocks. These are the 6.5 inch unfinished blocks and I only have 2 more logs to sew onto each block. I only need 23 of these blocks but I'm making 24. I will add the extra to to orphan block box. You can see the other two logs there on the lower right. I wish I'd had more of the light plaid so I could have placed it on the outside round. But, oh well. I'm making do. I went with a dark center just because I liked it better. I think this coming Saturday at my monthly meeting of Quilty Friends I'll work on the other size Log Cabin blocks that are 12.5 inch unfinished.

I was commissioned to do another quilt for the same person for whom I made this quilt. I don't know if 'commissioned' is the right word as no money traded hands. He got a quilt and I got a bronze statue. He is obviously an outdoor person and likes earth tones. I almost feel that this quilt is a bit bright for him. As I think about this project from time to time, my mind keeps coming back to some preprinted duck and trout panels that are in one of my 'orphan block' boxes. I need to slip into the sewing room this evening and pull them out of the box and put on the wall. I'll have to see what else there is in the box and maybe I can do a 'planned' orphan block quilt. Hmmmm... I'll keep you posted.


  1. I think there are going to be more log cabin quilts in blogland as more people become inspired by yours.

    A quilt for a statue sounds like a good trade to me - one piece of unique art for another.

  2. Isn't it frustrating that we have to go to work and can't stay home and sew? But I love the little logs and you banner is beautiful.

  3. LOVE your new banner and look to your blog. But, excuse me? When you deliberately create an Orphan block, aren't you guilty of abandonment??? I hear the QP and some sirens coming your way.....

  4. I thing that will be an amazing quilt!!!!!
    and your cover on the bed is amazing too.
    ciao ciao

  5. Mmmmm - log cabins are my favorite . . . . followed very closely by the 9-patch. Of course, the plaids make me drool over them even more *S*

  6. Log Cabins have always been a weakness of mine and I love your plaid blocks. They look so homey and warm.
    That fat little bird on your banner is adorable!

  7. I work outside the home, too, for 40 hours. And recently started a part-time at-home job as well for an additional 10-12 hours per week. What saves me is my commute -- it is six minutes each way. Eight if the traffic is bad! I sew, either at the machine or by hand in front of TV with hubby, for a minimum of 20 minutes per day. Helps me to keep body and soul together!
