
04 January 2009

Quilt Edgings Part 2

So, do you know what I did with this edging? Yes, it is a standard double fold binding, but before stitching it on I inserted a bit of rick rack to give the bound edge just a bit of embellishment. Cute, huh?

This next one is just as simple. After the quilt was completely bound using the same fabric as the last border, I went back and added an embroidered stem stitch in red all the way around it.

There. Now you have four different ways to finish off a quilt that is not the same old binding.


  1. Anonymous7:07 AM

    Creative...I like the rick rack especially.

  2. Anonymous8:54 AM

    I adore ric rac, so of course I love that idea with the binding.

  3. I love the rick rack idea. Maybe on my Wicked Quilt...

  4. Oh the rickrack! I have a tutorial bookmarked on how to do that - but I've been a little afraid to give it a go. Now I know for real that it works *yippee*

  5. I like your different edge treatments. Thanks for showing us there is more than one way to finish a quilt.

  6. They are all great. I think by the time I am at that part, I just want it to be done, but I think it is a great idea to take the time to see what kind of edge the quilt really needs.

  7. Thank you! I love the little embroidered edging, just the thing to give it a little zip.

  8. The rick-rack sets it off so pretty! Just to check, I looked at the prices of rick-rack at the QShop and OMGosh! Another $10.00 to do a large quilt! I'll hang on to my old stuff from ????

  9. Love the rick rack idea. Now why didn't WE think of that?

    I agree with Elaine Adair - rick rack and notions have gotten too expensive. It would take 10-12 yard to go around a big quilt. That might be the death knell for this good idea.

  10. O gosh, ric rak, I love it, I haven't used that for years. How fun....
