
05 January 2009


After 11.5 days off, today it is back to work. It is an understatement to say that it was nice to be home. There were holiday activities and 'have-to' type things that encompassed several days. Then the days settled into an enjoyable rhythm.

Sewing quilt pieces and blocks together did not seem to be as frantic and stressful because time was available. Three Quilts of Valor tops were stitched together. A long-term knitting project was started. Recycling gained speed in the household.

If the paycheck weren't such a driving force, I could embrace staying at home and slipping back into the tempo of each day.


  1. Oh, I am so with you there. I could be such a homebody. But alas, one needs food, mortgage, and health insurance...

  2. Must be nice - I worked 14 hours yesterday! I do get long periods of time off though and can relate to enjoying that tempo much better.

  3. I love to read about Quilters that Work---- Lord knows we ALL work--- but work outside the home. Seeing other quilters balance the juggling act makes me believe I can do it too. I was off of work just like you. It's incredibly habit forming. And I wasn't lazy... I think I was "efficient" in everything I did and it seemed like I never had to rush as I normally do day to day. But Like you said so well--- The job from 6am to 3 pm supports the lifestyle I have after 3pm so we keep juggling.... Keep smiling...

  4. So glad to hear you moved into the days off rhythm with ease *s* I do thank my lucky stars every day for not having to get out into the grind.

  5. I am sooooooooo with you on that. if we could just be independently wealthy............

  6. Alas, there is work. But it does help to pay for the habits we have. Perhaps one day we can both move with leisure through our days.

  7. I am a homebody. Glad that you had a stretch of time to be one too.
