
30 March 2008

Four Seasons Quilt Swap - Spring Update


or So Cute but O So Wrong.

I have always wanted to make a traditional basket quilt. So when the Spring Swap rolled around I thought that now is my chance, you know, May baskets and all. Being who I am, I just dove right in. I figured and puzzled and then cut out my pieces. Stop. Rethink that fabric, remember, the size of the blocks are finished 2.75 inches I tossed out the pieces and re-cut using a different fabric. I was on such a roll! I was stitching and appliqueing and listening to podcasts and when the time came to put the two halves together -- it didn't fit! What did I do wrong?!! I sewed the sides onto the basket before I sewed the upper part of the block on. DOH!! Can I fix it and move on? Nope. The size of the pieces preclude any frogging. *sigh* I have to start over. Again.

But don't fear, gentle reader. I turned off the podcasts and tuned in some New Age music. For me, podcasts are left brain and instrumental music is right brain. I moved over into my right brain and got creative. I lost track of time. I was in the zone. And I now have a full fledged applique basket all prepped for my swap quilt.

Third time's the charm.


  1. Congratulations! I have to keep both sides of my brain happy or it all gets uncomfortable, but sometimes one side will let the other take control, and that can be marvelous! (or awful...) So glad it's working out for you!

  2. well poo.. thats something I'd do... I learnt the hardway to do a test block, so now I do a test block for any big time project.. and I do them in a theme, and voila before you know it, you have a box of blocks you could use for a sampler quilt if you weren't lazy! like I am..

    take care


  3. Oh no! I certainly hope you can find something else to do with all your parts and pieces.

  4. just like me you jump in with both feet. sometimes it turns out to be two lefts.LOL. I have done the same thing but that's how we learn!

  5. Oh so right about the left brain/right brain thing, at least when it comes to listening to talking versus music. I can't have NPR news or anything like that playing while trying to puzzle out something because my brain will go skipping off merrily listening to the words and leave me in the lurch! And I used to be such a multitasker.

  6. Thinking about what side of my brain is engaged makes my brain hurt *s* I'm just glad when it engages in any form.
    Boy do I like those baskets . . . wonder where they will live?

  7. Love the colors of your baskets. Sure you will figure out something to do with the "leftovers".

  8. I would LOVE to say I've never done something like that. Notice I don't say it -- but I'd love to none-the-less. Can't wait to see what you're brewing!

  9. I waiting to see what is coming next after this experience :)

  10. You are persistent. I also am a big podcast listener and sometimes have a big boo boo in the process before i know it.
    Look great
