
01 April 2008

Little Star

Angela at Quilting in the Cornfields and I were both lamenting the fact that we missed out on the Fall Four Season's Quilt Swap. So I proposed that we do a one-on-one fall swap. Here is the quilt that I made for her.

Fall in my neck of the woods is a wonderful time for star gazing. The wintertime clouds haven't appeared yet and it is still warm enough to plant the telescope on top of a mountain and just look. So I made a field of twinkling stars.

Whaddya think?

Update: I have been asked if it is my pattern. No, it is not. I got the pattern from "No Big Deal -- Mastering the Art of Miniature Quiltmaking" by Deborah L. White. But if you study it, you can see that it is only made with half-square triangles and a few squares.


  1. I think it's absolutely lovely, wonderful, and perfect (I love star gazing as well). And not to sound childish -- but I've been having to tell Tink that it's mine, mine, all mine darn it!!!!!

  2. I think it's just right.

  3. That must be an original pattern. I've never seen it before and it's lovely. Talented you!

  4. I was wondering about the pattern, too -- so clever! Really does look like twinkling stars. Lovely!

  5. I think it is sweet that you "made up for" missing out on the swap, and made this beautiful quilt for her. I wouldn't have thought of star gazing in the fall, but it is a perfect time to do it!

  6. Little Star is very nice. Did you make up your own design? Always have loved the Twinkle twinkle little star song! We are star gazer's too!

  7. Great quilt. Your quilts are always to interesting.

  8. I love the quilt. It's adorable.

  9. Very, very pretty and quite distinctively unusual...just like you! I love it!

  10. Adorable as usual! I really like it, it certainly reminds me a wonderful star filled night!

  11. I think it's precious, personally! I love it.

  12. your quilt is lovely! I adore the twinkle twinkle!! Perfect.

  13. Very lovely, I love the colors and movement in the quilt.

  14. Little Star is very nice.
    Kind regards

    Beerje Zonn

  15. Love everything about it - the quilting, the stitchery, the colours and the design! Great job!
