
28 June 2008


Macrame. The word just conjures up visions of the knotted jute plant hangers, doesn't it? But there are more practical uses of macrame than making large eyed owl hangings. In my mind's eye I see can see a macrame window covering similar to lace. Or, how about replacing the worn out handle on a basket made by a dear friend with a macrame handle? This handle is a four cord plait using a nylon macrame cord and will wear like iron.
The basket will wear out before the handles.


  1. Paula
    I seriously think Macrame is underrated.. yes I have done the 'owl' thing and the pot plant holder, but I have used the knots in many other situations never thought about bag handles though (thanks!)..


  2. It's been so long I am not even sure I REMEMBER how to macrame! I never made the wallhanging but I made plant hangers like there was no tomorrow!

  3. I started to learn macrame in the early 70's but never did anything with it. But I've always liked the look. I think you've found a perfect way to use it! I'll have to look up directions -- bet they're online somewhere.

  4. Thanks for the reminder that macrame is not just what we remember in the 70's. The handle idea is great. I think on a knitted purse, or sewn this would be nice and sturdy also. Mine tend to stretch.

  5. It does look sturdy. I remember making a macrame belt in high school....boy was that a long time ago.

  6. actually I could use a couple of good macarame plant hangers, so if you ever feel inclined............
    I'm sorry about your friend Jeannie~~ big hugs~~

  7. I always liked macrame but never did it. I still have my macrame bracelets from the 70's and a macrame hammock that I have never used, custom made by a member of our art guild in the 1970's.

  8. I think my mom still has one of those LOVELY owl wall hangings in a box in her basement someplace. LOL! Great thinking on the handle!!

  9. That cartoon was PERFECT! (I only ever made a macramed owl keychain at camp - my mother made plant hagers and other items!)

  10. Macrame! That brings up visions of Camp Fire Girl Day Camp - gathering acorns, cooking a meal inside a foil pouch, making sun prints and a very cherished belt that I knotted all by myself *s* You've come up with a great idea!

    p.s. the soup is delicious . . . and plentiful. Dinner for two nights and enough for lunch today *s*

  11. Grazie Paula for your comment..........
    The Macrame is wonderful. My grandmom used to make hats, to be sold in her shop, with it.
    ciao ciao
