
01 July 2008

Paula 11: Crickets 0

Dead Cricket - iStockPhoto
I have been waging war on the crickets. Now, don't tell me that you love to hear them at night in the summer time. That is OK when the aforementioned insect is outside. But the ones I am after are in my basement. Do you remember where my sewing room is located? My fabric stash? My wool yarn stash? Yes, it is in the basement. I don't want these critters making a snack out of my stash -- and with the size of my stashes it would be a 24/7 "All-You-Can-Eat" buffet.

I have been catching those nasties with dog food. You read that correctly: dog food. Maybe cat food would work too, I don't know since I don't have either a dog or a cat. Now, here is the secret ingredient: DUCT TAPE. Yes, my peeps, duct tape. Cut off a piece about the length of your hand, fold under the ends so you can stick it to the floor with the majority of the tape sticky side up, place a dog (or may a cat?) kibble smack dab in the center of the tape and wait. Wait overnight because crickets are nocturnal. In the morning you will more than likely have a cricket or two stuck to the tape. Roll it up and dispose.

I have found the spot where they are making their entrance and got it caulked. Hopefully that will take care of it. Keep your fingers crossed.


  1. Evil little critters . . . glad you found a way to thwart them *s*

    Maybe if you left one there rather than disposing, it would serve as notice to any others that want to intrude that this will be their fate.

  2. Anonymous7:23 PM

    Good to know. Occasionally a cricket crawls into our ductwork and becomes a nighttime sleep interruption.

  3. Glad you were able to remedy your cricket problem! *s*

  4. I know for a fact that crickets will eat cloth and wool. I can't believe that they are good luck in China and Japan. I hate the constant chirping that they do too. We often get one under the stove or fridge in the summer. They always like to hide under the heaviest appliance.

  5. Do you have camel crickets? (They're the brown hump-backed ones, not the black ones. I have never heard them make the "cricket" noise, like the others.) We have battled them constantly ever since we moved into this house. I finally have taped/caulked/sealed to the point I don't get them inside anymore, but they're still in my garage. I'm going to try the duct tape thing because they drive me NUTS. My cat would be sorry to see them go, though.

  6. That reminds me of a very funny story. Chris and I were on vacation and stayed 1 night in a B&B. There was a cricket in our room so you can imagine 2 barely dressed people trying to find and destroy a cricket in the middle of the night. The next morning we are having breakfast and the left-over-hippie owner asks if we are nudists. That was funny in and of itself because we are so not every going to be nudists with our little polo shirts and docksiders. My first though was that the loony lady saw us searching out that cricket through the window of our room! Actually she was just letting us know that if we were nudists that we could "feel free". We packed our stuff and left. She also lectured us about the evils of the military (Chris' profession) and insurance companies (mine) - without knowing what either of us did for a living.

  7. Hey girl, you are going to get an A+ in my book for clever! I knew you were super talented, but now I can add "clever" to the list.
    Great idea about the dog food. So far the crickets are staying outside, but give July a few more weeks, and by August, they'll be invading. I'm gonna try it with cat food. Hugs, Finn

  8. I know others have already said it, but I'll say it again, this is a very clever idea.

  9. nice job and environmentally friendly!

  10. We have crickets in our basement also. I thought they could materialize through concrete like some sci fi creature, the "remedy" here is Borax, sprinkle that around and it will kill anything, but not if you have any pets in thehouse.

  11. Good for you. I don't like the little demons either. Hadn't thought of duct tape so I will definitely try that. Thanks for the tip and keep up the good work on the Cricket Patrol.

  12. WOW, what an interesting trick!! I have to remember that one! Good luck!

  13. I will have to remember this little trick!
