
12 January 2009

Slow Fibery Weekend

Saturday was the monthly meeting of Quilty Friends. I was prepared and took my hand quilting project and my knitting. I have been trying to teach myself frameless/hoopless hand quilting and end up removing more stitches than I get put it. Putting that aside, the socks came out and on the first yank of the yarn the whole center of the yarn skein just popped out. The rest of the time was spent untangling the mess. Afterward, at home, I kept up the fibery doings and hand quilted the rest of the afternoon away. There is something about hand quilting that just relaxes one, isn't there?

Today was spent in the sewing room where the 4SQS5 swap quilt was finally started. No photo of it yet, 'cause it's a secret.

Another knitted barn-raising square is blocking as I type.

And in between, a page or two of the Photoshop Elements 5 for Digital Photographers by Scott Kelby. I actually have a newer version of the software but the library did not have the corresponding book. I figure that what is covered in this book should also be in the version I have. Right?

I hope your weekend was slow, fibery and enjoyable.

*photo courtesy of iStockphoto


  1. After my productive weekend, I sat and knit on a garter stitch blanket for 2 1/2 hours last night. Yeah, that was nice. Almost too nice.

    That size photo album was exactly what I was thinking. I got rid of 5-6 at a garage sale last summer. Along with a laptop backpack, because, gosh, I had an almost new desktop! Why would I need that?!

  2. PS Your contest comment showed up.

  3. Sounds like a pleasant weekend. You are so right. Anytime I sit with my needle cares seem to fade and I become content.

  4. Anonymous5:42 PM

    This was the first productive sewing-related weekend I've had in so long that I've forgotten it. It was fun.

  5. All time spent with handwork is so relaxing, but that handquilting seems to just go above and beyond.

    Hey - I got the new Photoshop Elements for Christmas. Haven't started much with it as our computer wasn't up to speed. Now I have those issues to work out before I can play. When I'm ready, I'll look to you as my guide *s*

  6. nope handquilting tends to tie me up in knots, along with my thread, the batting and everything else in sight! I'm so glad you find it relaxing, maybe if I watched you do it????

  7. I have had yarn do that so many times! I am glad you had an afternoon to just enjoy hand quilting, it is just the best.

  8. Ha...after all those comments you left me...telling me to poke, fondle and run my fingers through and now, I read about you and your experiences and I'm seeing me dropping, losing my center and becoming tangled! I bought myself the new Photoshop,too and I'm with do the experimenting and we'll write you for advice ;)

  9. I should dig out my copy of this book now that I've been playing around more in Photoshop elements and see if I can pick up any new tricks.

  10. I know what you mean. This year I think I will take along a hand quilting project to retreat, and just relax.
